****** We invite you to frequently visit this page for more instructions and the overall process.
This page will be updated on a regular basis.******
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CIoT conference will take place virtually, we are doing our best for a smooth conference, for this, we will be using Cisco Webex Meetings for all virtual sessions.
- Cisco Webex Meetings will be the main video conferencing software used for paper presentations and all other sessions during the Conference
- Accessing the meeting will be through the meetings link/URL which will be sent by email one week before CIoT conference to registered participants only.
- One meetings link/URL for each day
Further notifications & instructions will also be sent depending on your profile and registration type (author/regular participant).
For Webex, it is also recommended to download the Mobile or Web Application but not mandatory.
All Attendees Guidelines
1.Getting Started
Requirement: Webex
As you already know, you will be using Webex as the video conferencing platform in order to participate in the Virtual Conference. Webex session could be joined via the link sent, but we recommend you to install the application.
If you have not yet installed, you will be prompted to install it the first time you enter a session.
2.Finding your session
Just click in the webex meeting link sent!
3.Webex Menu
- Please mute your microphone when entering the room.
- Ask questions in the Chat or the Q&A Chat first. To access these chats, click on the chat icon located at the bottom of the screen.

- You can also ask to speak by clicking on the button to “Raise your hand“
Though guidelines might appear somehow a bit complex, they are mostly user-friendly, and easily doable.